Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This is Amazing!

Thanks for adding me on to the team! I started reading Genesis last night and reached chapter 30 today. Reading it as a true, infallible story this time around is fascinating. I am jotting down quick notes in my journal, but not stopping too much. It's great getting the big picture for a change, instead of stopping and pondering on all the nit-picky stuff. That's not to say theological correctness in unimportant, but I believe both enjoying God's magnificent plan for mankind and studying theology should be pursued.

God bless your bold readings this week!


Erica said...

Hey Ana!

Welcome to "the crew!" We're so glad you're here.

I was a bit worried before starting the challenge, because I was afraid I was just going to go fast, and not really soak in a lot. But I think there's a time for getting the big picture and a time for nit-picking, and this is the time for the big picture. It has been wonderful to, in essence, "sit back" and see the whole thing.

Off to read! ;)

Tiffany said...

Yay! You've made it aboard! :)

It is truly awesome to see the big picture of God's plan! Just think, that's how it is with our lives! Except we don't always see the big picture- we see mostly the nit-picky stuff and wonder what in the heck God is doing! :D When of course He can see the whole thing and just looks lovingly down upon us and smiles. ;)

Good to see you posting, Ana! I pray for every one of you gals!

Lots of love and hugs! <3


P.S. Oh, and I finished Exodus and Leviticus!! Yay! On to Numbers! :)

Ana Smith said...

I got to Exodus 4 earlier today!

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