Tuesday, June 3, 2008

One more Check-in!

I know how you feel, Tiffany! I'm still in Deuteronomy, *blushes*, but I am catching up. And I'd just like to say "Thank You" to everyone for the wonderful encouragement! You all are great!



Erica said...


Where's the "Rrrr..boom!" emoticon when I need it?!


Ana Smith said...

Hello! This is one of the journalists from "His Fearless Servant." I found this through Erica and Tiffany's blogs.

My quiet time has been rather sparse and dry lately...I'd like to take on this challenge. Could I jump in the middle here? I don't expect ya'll to add me as team member, but maybe Tiffany would let me email her as an accountability partner?

Tiffany said...

Sure, Ana!! I'd love to be your accountability partner! :) But I don't think the other gals would mind if we added you as a team member! :) Right girls? ;)

Erica said...

oh my goodness, no!

Of course you can be a team member!! Most definitely! I need your e-mail, though. Do you want to send me a PM through the Rebelution with it?

We would LOVE to have you, Ana!


Ana Smith said...

Thanks! I'll pm you in just a moment!

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