Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Checking In...

You girls have no idea what it means to be behind! :P I'm still in Exodus! But I'm almost done with it, and I am reading my Bible everyday- even if it is just a few chapters!! :) So I'm doing good, and I don't feel discouraged!

You gals are asking so many questions, and I would like to answer them!! But I'm not having the time to lately! Though, I feel the same way, Anne, about Christ being the sacrifice for us today!! I'm soo thankful that we don't have to do all that!! Oh, so gross and so much work! :)

Well, I better be going! Sorry I haven't posted more! Love you all!


1 comment:

Erica said...

Hey, at least you're reading, Tiff. Keep up the good work. :)

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