Ok, I had a ton of questions swirling around in my head, but like a dummy I didn't write them down. So here are some of the only ones I remember -- Though the first one is certainly applicable to a lot of Exodus and Leviticus.
- I am just so amazed at how many and how complicated instructions God gave to Moses. I mean, the directions for the making of the Tabernacle are like five gazillion pages long, with measurements and colors and details and all. (Not to mention the instructions for the garments, the sacrifices, the festivals, etc.!) I'm wondering if Moses wrote it all down while God told him, or if being told something by God just kind of burns itself into your memory, or if Moses could just remember more than normal people, or what? What do you think?
- I would like to echo Erica: what does the whole 4:24-26 part mean??? Even my Reformed commentary is confused. It says that the Hebrew is so odd at this point that they can't even tell if it's talking about Moses or Moses' son most of the time.....and then what Ziphorah is incomprehensible. What do you girls think??
- OK, this question harks all the way back to Genesis. In 31: 34-35, where Rachel is sitting on the idols to hide them from her father, she tells him that she can't get up to greet him because she is having her menstrual period. And I was just wondering what that has to do with anything at all.....I mean, is she saying that she is too weak to stand up or something?? Or maybe that she was having really bad cramps. ;) Anyway, thoughts?
In answer to your questions...
1. I don't know
2. I don't know
3. I don't know
Haha. Thanks, Erica! ;) ;) ;) ;)
Slightly longer thoughts, anyone?
To your first question, I think Moses probably had both. Meaning, Divine inspiration and a good memory. :)
As for your second question, I have NO idea. :D
And for the third, maybe Rachel was like me. ;) *shrugs* Who knows...
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